All in FOOD

culinary paradise: Georgia

When people asked us why do we want to travel to Georgia so much, one of our answers was: the food. True, Georgian cuisine might not be very known to the rest of the world but in Poland you can get it quite a lot and boy, is it good! So no, it wan’t the first time for us trying Georgian food but the truth is, none of our previous experiences can even compare to what we’ve had a chance to taste during our trip.

detox done right: coconut-banana pancakes

Some of you may know but I like to set myself a little challenge few times a year and go on a full-on detox. Don't get me wrong, I do my best to eat clean every single day but for these few weeks I tighten the rules significantly.

hello fall!

It's really hard to get excited about fall, especially in Paris with its never-ending rain, grey sky, and low temperatures. There's something however, that I'm really looking forward to thinking of this time of the year...

culinary paradise: Japan

I don't think anybody is surprised anymore that food was one one of, if not the main focus during our trip to Japan. We wanted to try everything and definitely did not cut back on our dining budget. It doesn't mean we dined fancy - not at all most of the time, but we surely got the munching on. 

summer feast in Paris

Paris can be quite surprising when it comes to weather, in contrary to many people's belief that the city of love = the city of sun. After weeks of rain and harsh witner in the middle of May, July didn't really bring the summer bliss for long but guaranteed at least a few sunny days. So the time to munch on a baguette along Canal Saint-Martin with a glass of rose came. Or actually, the time to munch on anything, wherever and with a glass of whatever just to be outside and enjoy the sun... Here's a few of our favourite summer restaurants. 

culinary paradise: Florence

There are so many reasons to fall in love with Italy: wonderful weather, gorgous landscapes, ancient monuments... but whatever you say, I say food should always be on the top of the list. Florence gave us more than many opportunities to dig into the best of Italian cuisine: pizza, pasta, the tastiest meat and seafood... We did it all. And you should too.